Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So the other day I found a veritable treasure trove of notes for a story I am writing. It makes some ideas I had before make sense, as well as remind me of other ideas. I also had an idea for another (much much much much darker) one. Looks like my cup spillith over with creative fodder. I haven't done much poetry recently, I suspect its because I'm less of a bump on a log recently. Just the same, here's some poem fodder. I have not decided what I'm going to do with it yet:

Gold dust, filtering through the glass
Glowing face lies down to sleep
It's smile fades, and melancholy,
The mistress of dreams, takes hold.
She spreads her wings, and takes
Dominion of the heavens
And tosses sparkling diamonds all around

You never liked my silly poems
You never ever did
You smile and laugh, your deadeye grin
Your eyes are there, of course
But no twinkling therein.
And behind those walls
The gavel falls
And I can’t seem to win.

Some day, sometime, I might exist
Some day, sometime, I might live
Some day, sometime I might die
And return to oblivion
As a sleeper rudely awoken returns
To his warm well-used bed,
So short is our tenure
So close is our bed.

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